Inquisitor IC Testing System
Inquisitor IC Tester is an interchangeable system to test various ICs. The Core unit pairs with your choice of Blade to test a variety of Integrated Circuits including SRAM, PSRAM, DRAM, PIAs, RIOTs, and others. Available in assemble yourself kit, or assembled and ready to use.
Avaiable Blades--
•SRAM Blade-tests 2101, 2114, 2016, 2018, 2125, 2147, 2148, 2149, 2465, 4016, 9114, 5101, 6514, 6116, 6264, 6810, 5189, 7489, 74189, W24257, W24257, M5M5189, 62256 and all variations of anyPin NVRAM.
•PSRAM Blade-tests 3764, 4164, 6665, 9064, 4256, 41256, 4416, 4464, 41464, 44256, 4516, and 81416.
•9060 DRAM Blade-tests 9060 and compatible DRAM.
•4116 DRAM Blade-tests 4116, 9116, D416, 4027, 4096
•PIA/RIOT Blade-tests 6821 and compatible Peripheral Interface Adapters, and 6532 and compatible RIOT ICs.
This interchangeable system requires a Core, and one or more of the available Blades to function.