Over 30 years of amusement machine repair experience

I starting working in a local arcade at age 13 and immediately took to the service aspect of the games. A couple of years later the city we were in started a movement to outlaw all video games/pinball machines in the city limits. I took on the city and presented them with several thousand signatures of the people in the community that didn't want that to happen. At a city council meeting that I spoke at, the manager of a local operator came to me after the meeting and told me he was very impressed with me and offered me a position with the company, I stayed with them until they were purchased by a larger competitor some 15 years later.
During the time I was there and after taking many electronics and computer courses and technical trainings through manufacturers such as Williams, Bally, NSM, Atari, and Rowe I was confident enough with my skills and training to offer my services to home game owners and other operators in the area that had difficult problems they couldn't resolve. I started my own service company that involved running a small route as well. The route became fairly successful with clients from mom and pop convenience stores to very large restaurant and supermarket chains. The route was eventually sold, but to this day I have clients all over the US that I service games for. I consider myself semi-retired at not quite 40 years old and continue to service mostly pinballs to keep me busy and because it's just in my blood. I love taking a non-working game and turning it into the gorgeous, fun to play game that it was meant to be.
Although I have experience with most aspects of the amusement industry, my interests are currently mostly in pinball machines. I have always loved them and with pinball machines becoming more and more a collector's market, being able to meet and interact with all the great collectors in my service travels keeps my interests peeked.
My skills are mostly in the electrical and mechanical aspect of the pinball machines. I can very confidently repair most any solid state game from early Bally, Williams, Gottlieb games to the newest Stern releases. I have worked on EMs, but they're just not my thing. I have extensive board repair experience and can again confidently troubleshoot and repair most any issue that presents itself. I've done a lot of cosmetic work on playfields and cabinets, but that's not where my best skills are. I'm a technical guy, not much of an artistic one unfortunately. Bringing a dead CPU back to life I'm great at, matching paint and touching up a worn playfield, not so much. Not to say I haven't done some playfield and cabinet touch-ups and repairs that I'm not proud of, but that's not where my best work is done. I love pinball, what more can I say?